Mar 8, 2010

Dendy: The New Reality - Samurai Pizza Cats (English subtitles)

A new translation by Crash Nicker. YES, he DID use the Digital Chimera Entertainment version of his intro. :P

...better late than never. At least the upload date is March 8, so here you go. Girls' day special.

Okay, so Mario 16 and Joe & Mac translation showed a really stunning contradiction... but it's nothing compared to THIS REVIEW, I've never seen Kyatto Ninden Teyandee AKA Samurai Pizza Cats AKA Ninja Cat on ex-USSR channels being broadcast (while Ninja Turtles went on their conquer of the planet Earth, whoo!)... so here you go. A mashed review of a great platform game. No more comment on this one, except he mentions about the 13th issue of Video-Uss Dendy,

And one more warning gals... You may get your lungs damaged during the LAWLing at the review. Anyway, I hope you had nice holidays. And, proudly, I wish you good luck and a lot of ninja fun (Yet I doubt that there are oldschool gaming girls watching this. Nevertheless, you have the documentary).

Who? What? Where? episode two is coming up next. Yet it's gonna be PRETTY LONG (9 minutes of the main section and 1-2 mins on placing the Steepler's advertisment as an extra)...

The Ninja's word: Since I always write VERY short comments on the translations, now comes a longer one. This review is LULZ. You can select from three characters - and can be changed every level and each time you die, plus you get four helpers to choose from, they use the NINPO meter up, as well as your special attacks - hold Up and attack. The third one for Speedy is the strongest, his infamous sword move. I had this game as a kid. I really, really liked it. It actually had the feeling of the cartoon. The game is awesome. The translation too. The review... not.

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