Here's a present from me:
Well, not really a present but some of the NSFs in here I want you to refer back to.
Let's take a look at their first game, shall we?
Jing Ke Xin Zhaun

I will be honest, I haven't played through the whole entire game and I don't know the story but I don't know Chinese. If you downloaded those NSFs, keep the 13th track in mind...
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

Street Fighter II has been hacked a few times as well. The game was released under as Master Fighter II with the only difference being the title. There is Master Fighter III which allows you to play as Viga. For whatever reason, Viga can't duck (but he still has that annoying sliding kick) but holding down can cause some strange stuff with the opponent. There is also Mario Street Fighter III where...yeah, you can play as Mario. His sprites are horribly stretched out and he is just a clone of Zangief. There is also stages of the castle in SMB3 where you talk to the kings and...Little Nemo for whatever bizarre reason.
One thing is that the title screen has a huge Mario character known as Fortran who has appeared in Dian Shi Ma Li. Bit Corp was responsible for that game...and they also distributed Street Fighter II in Argentina (and possibly elsewhere). I wonder if they're responsible for the hack.
Master Fighter VI'
Not much is known about this game since it was never dumped. From the looks of it, it's a ported version of Street Fighter II: Champion Edition judging by the dash near it's name. This game has ALL the characters from the original Street Fighter II. The music is reused from Yoko's SFII but the graphics with the exception of some of the stages is that they are all new. This is also the first fighting pirate to use clones. They all have different portraits, names and colors, with the colors resembling the alternate plaettes in SFII: Champion Edition. The engine here seems slightly updated. One thing that's a bit important is that this (or the game below it) is the first fighting game to use the difficulty option.
There's a few videos on Youtube that show this game such as this:
KuaiDa ChuanShuo - Street Fighter IV

Here are the characters:
Cliff - Ryu-wannabe, wears an orange gi and has a ponytail. Has all of his moves and he even shouts "Shoryuken!" in his...well...shoryuken. One thing is that he does have footwear like the first Street Fighter's Ryu.
Bunny - Bunny girl with moves similar to Cliff's. She shoots cards and can flip kick.
Chunfo - Monk with a hand shot, a spinning attack and a dive-in-like attack.
Pasta - Pretty much Cliff's Ken. Blue gi, no ponytail, brown hair and blue boots. His hadouken and hurricane kick go in some wavy pattern.
Stalong - Topless man that uses Guile's sprites from SFII (Yoko) as a base. Only character without a projectile AND a broken attack. (Hold back and b does a flying kick that can be spammed)
Musashi - Boss, possibly some ninja. Has an annoying attack where he bounces around and then does a flying kick at you.
Also this game has clones as well with Goho Li (white gi Cliff), Tracy (blonde Bunny with black


Oh boy, this is where the fun begins... Something to point out is that the games in this year were made with a chip known as the Huang-1 chip so it's pretty much a given these were all by the same publisher. Street Fighter IV has an earlier version of the chip. (It is unknown about the others though)

Kart Fighter

AV Jiu Ji Mahjong 2

AV Bishoujo Senshi Girl Fighting/AV Mei Shao Nv Zhan Shi

After hear that same unused chaos emerald tune and...

Jing Ke Xin Zhaun
-The battle music appears in Sugico's stage but it has a (horrible) triangle wave in it.
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
-Chun-Li from the port is in there, anything else is need to be said?
-The "VS" came from that game.
Street Fighter IV
-Lifebars are the same thing.
-Marry is Bunny from SFIV.
-Uses the same font as SFIV.
-Cliff's, Bunny's, Chunfo's and Musashi's music was reused and put in other stages.
-All the stages in SFIV reappeared in this game.
-Unused chaos emerald sound that was carried over from Kart Fighter.
Kart Fighter
-Reused sound effects and music. Uses the select music, ending music, high score music (which is used for when beating one of the opponents), Peach's music (edited and non-edited), Yoshi's music (with a channel missing).
-4 of the characters reuses the same commands from the characters in Kart Fighter. Marry is a carbon copy of Mario, Janifer (bra and skirt only) uses Peach's, Vivian (girl in swimsuit/dance suit/whatever) uses Yoshi's, and Niny (with the exception of the projectile) uses Koopa's.
-The select screen works just like Kart Fighter's.
This game is like the center of Someri that it's scary. This game pretty much reuses a lot of stuff from their old games like if they were in a rush to get this out or something. However, this isn't their last fighting game because we have one more...
Garou Densetsu Special

Yes, those are names from Mortal Kombat II. The game is a hack of MKII Special (or used it as a base) by Hummer Team. The commands were edited from that game as well. This game also uses the select character music from Street Fighter IV.
Well there we have it. Someri's history in one article. Now what happened with them later? Well...they moved onto different publishers with a new name...and here's some of their games:

Well there we have it. Someri's history in one article. Now what happened with them later? Well...they moved onto different publishers with a new name...and here's some of their games: